Flute: Meet Karen, the flutist!
Karen Large of the TSO shows us how the flute works and its role in a concert performance.
Roger “Roger” Rhythm meets Karen Large, who plays the flute for Tallahassee Symphony Orchestra. Roger learns more about why Karen decided to play this instrument, how it makes music, and how it fits in with the rest of the orchestra.
Clarinet: Meet Sam, the clarinetist!
Sam Peliska of the TSO shows us how the trombone works and its role in creating music.
Violetta “Vi” Vibrato meets Sam Peliska who plays the clarinet for Tallahassee Symphony Orchestra. Vi learns more about why Sam decided to play this instrument, how the clarinet makes sound, and how it fits in with the rest of the orchestra.
Oboe: Meet Margaret, the oboeist!
Margaret Cracchiolo of the TSO shows us how the oboe works.
Roger “Roger” Rhythm meets Margaret Cracchiolo who plays the oboe for Tallahassee Symphony Orchestra. Roger learns more about why Margaret decided to play the oboe, how it makes music, and how it fits in with the rest of the orchestra.
Bassoon: Meet Jeff, the bassoonist!
Jeff Keesecker of the TSO shows us how the bassoon works and its role in an orchestra.
Violetta “Vi” Vibrato meets Jeff Keesecker who plays the bassoon for Tallahassee Symphony Orchestra. Vi learns more about why Jeff decided to play this instrument, how the bassoon makes sound, and how it fits in with the rest of the orchestra.
Saxophone: Meet Geoff, the saxophonist!
Geoff Deible of the TSO shows us how the saxophone makes music.
Violetta “Vi” Vibrato meets Geoff Deibel who plays the saxophone for Tallahassee Symphony Orchestra. Vi learns more about why Geoff decided to play this instrument, how the saxophone makes sound, and how it fits in with the rest of the orchestra.
Meet the Woodwind Quintet!
Meet Karen, Margaret, Jeff, Leslie and Sam of TSO’s Woodwind Quintet!
Violetta “VI” Vibrato and Roger “Roger” Rhythm meet Karen Large (Flute), Margaret Cracchiolo (oboe), Jeff Keesecker (Bassoon), Leslie Bell (horn), and Sam Peliska (Clarinet) of the Tallahassee Symphony Orchestra’s Woodwind Quintet. The musicians perform “Waltz No. 2” by Dmitri Shostakovich.
Do you know all about the woodwind family now? Match the instrument to its name to test what you learned.